Can you give counsel to  help others  correct others? By what means can you help someone you love, when you see them doing something you know to be wrong, or doing something that will harm them or someone else?

That's easy enough, right? You just lovingly tell them what to do, or what not to do. We all want to be upright people, so just tell them.

Sadly, that usually doesn't work. (Young children, of course, do need to be told what to do. - Pro_13:24) In most cases you would do just as well to shake your finger in the face of a coiled rattlesnake, telling it not to bite you, as to tell someone not to do something. That may seem like a harsh illustration, but our implication is not that they are snakes, or are necessarily bad people. The point is rather that laws and rules and commands don't work. (Rom_7:8) They only irritate and urge rebellion. The thing we wish to understand by the snake illustration is this: The snake doesn't bite because it's wicked, or because it's angry at you. It bites because it is a snake. That's what snakes do. That's what they know to do. Your telling the snake it shouldn't bite you because it's wrong to do you harm has no meaning for it. It's not within it's mental frame of reference. It's guided by something within; Your judgment has no impact on that internal guidance. People are also guided by something from within. (If the person you are trying to help actually is a wicked person, of course, you would obviously be wasting your time giving directions to them to do the right thing. Unrighteous people don't want to do what is right. [Using the terms right and good, we herein reference what our Creator defines as good. Since all his ways are perfect (Deu_32:3-4), and he always has our best interest at heart (Isa_48:17-19), any deviation from his directives will cause harm. (Isa_29:20 ; Deu_32:5-6) That understanding, along with a desire to please our Father, defines within us what is right and wrong. (It does so, at any rate, among people who are trying to be upright.) Personally knowing our loving Creator is the purpose of Bible study.]) As to those people we deal with in our daily lives, we hope and pray most of them are not wicked. We certainly have no right to judge who is and who is not. (Mat_7:1-5)

The snake like problem you must deal with in your effort to tell someone what to do is this: If the person you are trying to help is an upright person, or is trying to be one, they already believe they are doing the right thing. They have convinced themselves in their conscience they are justified in what they are doing. We must start in understanding that fact if we are to be able to help them. We need to realize what must be adjusted is their own conscience. (Rom_2:15) Since you are just another person, being guided (and justified) by your own developing conscience, you have no authority to judge them. That is what telling them what to do really is: your rendering judgment about them. They (probably rightly) feel your verdict has no meaning for them. Note the different method used by Paul. When he recognized a group of people from Athens were worshipping false Gods, he didn't attack them or tell them how wrong he thought they were. He told them something Jesus taught him. It was something that also applied to them, as it was based within their frame of reference: their self-righteous frame of reference. (Acts 17:22, 23) 22 Paul now stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens, I behold that in all things you seem to be more given to the fear of the deities than others are. 23 For instance, while passing along and carefully observing your objects of veneration I also found an altar on which had been inscribed 'To an Unknown God.' Therefore what you are unknowingly giving godly devotion to, this I am publishing to you." (Acts 17:29, 31) 29 "Seeing, therefore, that we are the progeny of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man. 30 True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead." These men were ignorant of truth and believed in the God's they had imagined for themselves, or their forefathers had. Their worship made them righteous in their own eyes. For Paul to try and correct them would have been an attack on their God(s), which would only have outraged them. Paul simply told them what Jesus taught him, about something they were doing, and thereby gave them reason to consider believing God's word. That is very different from asking them to believe what Paul said. Some were outraged all the same, but many believed and put faith in Christ. Paul thereby did all that he could do for them. Any person who wanted to examine the facts could do so, and could talk with any of the many witnesses who had seen the resurrected Christ Jesus. That's exactly what we have available today, by reading the Bible. That's what we can then share with others, just like Paul did. The difference between telling someone what to do, and telling them what God has said about their matter, is a difference that might be hard for some to grasp at first. That difference is very great! By telling them what God's word said about their worship, Paul gave them reason to question their own self-righteousness (their conscience), rather than attacking it outright. That is what God's word does for us all. That is it's power! (Heb_4:12-13) That is the only way any of us can help another person spiritually: by telling them what God's word says. Since Jesus came in large part to teach us what his Father taught him (Joh_18:37 & 12:50 ; Luke_1:67-75 ; Luke_2:25-32), our best source for learning "truth" is by reading what he taught us in the four short Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

What we want to understand, and to share, is this: It is self justification that can make people behave like the snake. In their own self-righteousness, they are doing what they know to do. It is their only mental frame of reference, and in most cases, they are doing what they believe is right or justified. Your telling them not to do it has no real meaning for them because they have their own good conscience about the matter. Your direction is actually irritating. It is nearly like you are speaking a foreign language to them. They have, you see, the very same thing all persons who strive to be righteous are seeking: to feel justified. They have the same thing you have as you try to give them your direction.

The fact they feel justified, however, does not mean they are justified. (Mat_7:21-23)

Consider the extreme example in the 2014 news cast covering one of the leaders of Islamic group Boko Haram. This group kidnapped about 300 young women in the name of their God Allah. Their leader was actually proud to display himself standing in front of the kidnapped girls, holding an assault rifle. The girls were in the background, dressed in Islamic costumes and chanting words he gave them to say. He announced to the world they had converted to Islam. He also threatened to sell them in the human slave market as he claimed that is what Allah told him to do. That man may be wicked to the bone of course, or, he may be so ignorant of truth that he actually believes in what he is doing. (Acts_22:1-5) Some draw a comparison between his actions and the forced conversion to Christianity during the so called Christian Crusades of the Dark Ages. What was practiced by the church of the dark ages was not Christianity! The Islamic leader has been listening to other religious men (not to the teachings of Christ) and if he is a true believer, he is only doing what he knows to do. He is acting according to his nature (his conscience). (We do not in any way justify or condone the actions of this group in kidnapping these children. If the Islamic leader actually does believe in what he is doing, his conscience is clearly broken.) Whether he is ignorant of truth, or is wicked, he is ready and willing to bite anyone who disagrees with his point of view, using the weapon he is brandishing. If you were an American standing in front of him, you would probably have about as much success in correcting him as you would with the snake. He is convinced he is serving the true God and is on the path to paradise. Many other people, who worship a plethora of different Gods and have similar unquestioning faith, are ready to die in their faith to their respective God. Sadly, many of them are also ready to kill those who disagree with them. All of them, like the men of Athens Paul spoke with, are convinced their God is the true God. Many of such people (including self professed Christians) can appear on the surface to be righteous, but are only following what other men have taught them. What they really are under their whitewash is apparent under close scriptural examination. (Mat_7:15-20)

So then... Is there a way to identify and even to help such people? Yes, there is. You have to start by helping yourself: by learning what Jesus taught. (If you have a membership in a group of men who pronounce you righteous, and you can not personally remember scriptures to support your faith, thus demonstrating it is built on what Jesus taught, you are in danger. - Mat_7:22-23) In knowing Jesus's teachings for yourself, you can give everyone you know the opportunity to help themselves, simply by sharing with them what you have learned. You must remember, the choice of whether to be helped rests with them, not with you. Your best hope, if confronted with the Islamic leader mentioned, would be to tell him something Jesus Christ said that applies to his course of conduct. It might or might not save your life, but it would be your best hope. If you die faithful to Christ, you can depend on a resurrection. (John_11:23-24) (We do not herein consider or make any reference to armed self protection against such people.) Our need to be able to tell people what Jesus taught leads to the obvious question: Do you know what Jesus taught?

Hopefully, we won't be confronted with an armed killer. Let us consider another example, however, that is more common and causes division among so many people. Some variation of this painful scenario plays out over and over, day after day, causing untold pain and suffering. (The same principles apply to any problem which might confront us.) In this scenario, a young couple is married and have two young children. Let's call the couple Fred and Sue. They have problems getting along and so they get divorced. Custody is shared equally and jointly, so the children's lives are split between two homes. Fred starts seeing another woman, we'll call her Mary. To promote peace with Mary, Fred wants to pull his family away from his ex-wife (Sue). Family parties with both Mary and Sue in attendance don't seem practical to him. (Unless they are both very mature women, they may not be.) Fred's parents, siblings and friends are encouraged to choose sides. The family and friends of Sue are driven to make the same choice. Everyone in their circle of association decides one or the other of the split couple is at fault, or is more at fault, and is angry at the other ex-mate for destroying the family. (In some cases, even the children are coerced to take a side.) As these friends and family members speak in defense of the one they believe to be righteous, they make those who support the other angry at them as well. The supporters of Fred say Sue was cold and distant, or had other problems, and drove Fred away. Those who support Sue say Fred has ignored and adulterated the marital promise without scriptural justification. Everybody feels justified in their stand. It promotes hatred.

So then... What can you do to try and help? Will you join in the battle lines with everyone else, biting at one or the other of the divorced couple? That is not what Christ Jesus taught. He taught us to be tolerant of anyone who  appeared to be  claimed to be trying to follow him, even if they are not doing it just like you would, or like you think they should. (Luke_9:49-50 ; John_14:23-24) Jesus told us to have no part in that "everyday" life pattern. (Luke_9:57-60 ; Col_4:2-6) Jesus taught us to be tolerant of even our enemies. (Mat_5:38-48 ; Rom_12:17-21) Tell everyone who will listen what God's word says, and then rely on the power of that word to do all that can be done for them, or for you. (Heb_4:9-13)

Have some humility. Recognize first: You can not help them directly. What you can give them is the opportunity to help themselves. You must start by investing in learning for yourself what Jesus teaches, and then by sharing what you learn with them. Please really listen to what we are saying! Some people can manage to read or hear what we say, and then think we are just saying the same thing all the churches are saying. We are not! They want you to follow them into membership, and then to imagine your hope is tied to them. We warn you must invest your energies to personally learn and know what Jesus taught. (We also show you how easy that really is.) Do not, then, share with others what any learned or seemingly sincere man, or group you are a member of, has said. We don't even recommend you tell them what this website says. (Please do share with them the scriptures from this website. That's the difference between us and the churches: We promote JustBibleTruth[.com] rather than sectarian membership.) Don't tell people what one book (author) or that other book says, or direct them to such. (Ecc_12:11-12) Only tell them what you personally know Christ Jesus said. (You can certainly use scriptures and materials from this website to help you do that.) By following only the Bible, you also safeguard yourself from falling into the same pattern of failure as those you are trying to help. (Heb_4:11) By a course of seeking Bible truth, you give people the opportunity to hear material (Jesus's teachings) that can help them change, because they want to change. If they are upright at heart, knowledge of the teachings of Christ Jesus will make them change. You can't change the rattle snake, and there are some people you can't have any impact on either. Christ Jesus couldn't change them. You never know which persons you can change, as that decision rests with them. Whether it be men like the Islamic radical, or people like Fred and Sue, what you can do is expose them to the teachings of Jesus Christ. That can change all those who are upright in heart, no matter how ignorant of truth they might be. (Acts_22:1-5 ; 1_Tim_1:12-13)

The Bible promises a time when God will change snakes so they will no longer harm people. (Isaiah 11:8-9) After that change is made, there will be no danger from snakes or other animals, because they will be changed in their nature. The Bible likens people who are ignorant of truth to animals, or says they are animalistic. That is especially true of religious leaders (and/or zealots) among men. (Ezekiel 22:25 & 27 ; Micah 3:5 ; Titus 1:12) They are like animals in that they just do what feels good, or what they think they would like to do, or should do. The end justifies the means in the mind of religious people. Religion is very different from Christianity. Religionists have no real concern for others, because they have not learned the capacity to love. The snake doesn't have the capacity to love you or hate you. People who don't know Christ Jesus are like that to some degree. It is only knowledge of God's word that gives us that gift of love. (1_John_4:19) God will soon change snakes so they no longer do harm. Animalistic people will be changed as well, or they will force destruction upon themselves. We don't know the method by which God will change the animals. His word doesn't say, and so we don't know. It simply says He will do it. But with people, God's word explains it must be a free will choice made by them. (Deu_30:15-16) We all have the opportunity to become God's friend (James_2:23), but that means we must abandon a lifestyle that will bring harm to other people. While the snake will be changed in the future, people are being changed today, right before our eyes.  They  We are all making that same choice for ourselves: As we determine whether we will abide by Jehovah God's laws and standards, recognizing those teachings have been delivered to us by his son Christ Jesus. (John_12:48-50 & 8:28 & 8:38 & 18:37b) Or, are we separating ourselves from Christ by going our own way? (Mat_25:31-34 & 46) A way you choose, "your own way," might be very popular, with lots of people patting you on the back and telling you how righteous you are. If it's not the way based on the simple and clear teachings of Christ Jesus, however, that way leads only to death. (Mat_7:13-14 ; John_10:7-11) You are responsible to know what Jesus taught. That is the purpose of the Bible. To help you to know the Father is one of the things Jesus gave his life to do. (John_18:37-38) The Bible is the one and only source of truth you can be sure of as coming from God. (2_Tim_3:16-17)

How, though, does this all relate to Fred and Sue? The Bible says God hates divorce (Mal_2:16) and the marital vows are until death separates the couple. The Bible teaches no man should sperate them. (Mat_19:6) In a consensus taken among several elderly people, none have known a single person they believed were benefited by remarriage. [Once again, the Bible's counsel proves true. (1_Cor_7:8 & 27 & 40)] The children are always the ones most harmed by divorce. All of that said, the Bible does make concession for divorce. (Mat_19:9 ; Luke_16:18) That is not a contradiction, and it does not mean God stops hating divorce. It just means he makes concession for it, and even for remarriage, in certain circumstances. It is up to the individuals who are married to read the Bible's counsel and determine if they can divorce for scriptural reasons. We should all be very careful about rendering our personal judgment over their decision. While we should feel free to show them what the Bible says about their situation, the decision rests between them and God. It is theirs alone to make. They should understand that as well as we do. Helping them understand is one help we might give: Over time, they will suffer the consequences of (or will live with) their choice. Everyone who cares about them will be impacted by their decision, some for the rest of their lives (the rest of their lives in this old world system that is). (The famous artist Vincent Van Gogh is reputed to have cut off his ear in an episode of some kind. He might have later asked God to forgive him, and maybe God did. It did not change the fact Van Gogh suffered the results of his actions the rest of his life. In the resurrection, Vincent will have his ear back, assuming, of course, his live course did not mark him an enemy of God. (Eze_9:4-6)

All people who are sincere about trying to do the right thing are either following the Bible teachings of Christ Jesus, or they will do so. God will make it so! Directing us to the teachings of his son is the method by which God helps us. (2_Chron_16:9 ; John_6:44 & 55) Our faith in Jesus's teachings can then benefit us in untold ways. That is the opportunity you have. It is the same opportunity Fred and Sue have. It is the opportunity the Islamic leader has, or will have. The only thing any of us can do to help any of them, is if and when we have the opportunity to tell them what we have learned from Jesus about their circumstances. As to any opinions beyond what Christ taught: all such opinions have been given and recorded for us by Jesus's first century followers, recorded under inspiration in the books of Acts through Revelation. (1_Cor_7-40) After sharing what ever scriptures we can focus on their situation, we should wisely leave the decision to them. Otherwise, we might actually interfere with them making a wise decision. [We could interfere by causing them to focus on us instead of using what God has said to modify their own conscience. (Eph_4:20-24 ; Col_3:9-10)] Arrogantly trying to analyze another persons image in our mirror (James_1:22-25) (by telling them what they should or shouldn't do) will only harm them and possibly others (including ourselves). Telling them what the Bible says, and then leaving the decision to them, may not feel like enough sometimes. It is all we can do. Even God can not fix those who refuse to be guided by his counsel. (Luke_13:34-35 ; Heb_6:4-6) Those who refuse to put faith in the son of the true God Jehovah will die in (or by) their sins (John_8:21-24), or they will have to be destroyed. (John_15:6 ; Mat_3:10 ; Mat_24:37-39)

If you connect with another person on any level, by being friends with them, by marrying them, or any other relationship, and you imagine you will be good for them because you can straighten them out, you have deceived yourself. You no doubt fancy yourself noble minded in your thinking. What you really are is self righteous. All those who are righteously inclined are undergoing the continual process of picking the rafter out of their own eye. (Mat_7:1-15) We should all understand that. We should also understand: If we are able to help someone else remove the speck from their eye, it is only by telling them what Jesus taught us about that rafter in ours. (Mat_24:14 ; 1_Cor_9:16 ; 1_Pet_4:17) It is really simple: If you can't provide a scripture that applies, it means you don't have counsel to give. Even if you do have a scripture, remember what you give is only your understanding of it's application. Each person is then responsible to make their own application, as it applies in their life. (Rom_14:10) That sometimes takes a little time. Be patient, their life is at stake. So is yours. We sometimes do harm to others in our ignorance of truth. (Acts_6:8-8:1) All such suffering is because of mankind's disobedience to God which started long ago. We are witness to a theatrical spectacle, as God is in the process of fixing the whole mess Satan's rebellion created. (1_Cor_4:9) Be patient and see (2_Chron_20:17a) God's perfect solution. (1_John_3:8b) The only relationships we can have with others that have any real and lasting value, then, is with those who join us in earnest and heartfelt service to our Grand Creator. (1_Sam_18:1) In our day, we serve Jehovah by demonstrating faith in his son Christ Jesus. (Prov_30:4) Our faith in Christ then manifests itself by producing in us a love for others. (John_13:35 ; Rom_13:8-10) The main way that love shows up in us is by our telling others what Jesus teaches. (1_John_4:7-15) Isn't that just perfect! People who become our friends by following that same scriptural pattern are not, of course, joining us. They are joining Christ Jesus! A shared love for Christ is what bonds such people. May we all, each of us standing with our feet planted on a solid foundation of truth (1_Cor_3:10-11 ; 1_Tim_6:19), do our best to be part of that happy fellowship. May we, to word it a little differently, become part of the body of Christ. (1_Cor_12:12-26)

So then... We should realize it's a good thing we can't tell other people what to do. We rather tell them something far better: how to be obedient to our God Jehovah through faith in his son Christ Jesus. That truth has the power to reconstruct individuals, creating people of loving kindness. (Mat_7:24-27 ; 1_Cor_3:10-15) Our instructions could never do that for them. Let us all strive, then, to be friends of Jehovah God (Rom_4:3 ; Jas_2:23), and by doing so separate ourselves from those who are judging themselves fit only for destruction. (Mat_25:31-33 ; Eze_9:2-6) Let us fill the earth with knowledge of Jehovah. (Isa_11:9) Do your utmost to make sure every person alive can give a scriptural answer this simple Bible question: Proverbs 30:4 ESV (4) Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Surely you know! (John_17:25-26 & 17:6 & 17:3 ; 1_Cor_15:24-28 ; Psalms_83:18 ; Isa_11:9)

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