--- Do you have God's Spirit? ---
Do you worship in "spirit and truth"?
(John 4:23-24)
Written: December, 2022

I don't ask to put on the spot... I ask because it is the same question I ask myself. (Feel free to help me understand... eMail: support@justbibletruth.com) These daily devotional website pages reflect my effort to share my own current Bible study. This one comes from my concern in recent days (increasing over weeks and months and years), as to whether I have God's Spirit; and, what I can expect God's Spirit to mean in my life; what will it do for me in these last days we now live in? (Also including, of course, what or who can I pray for?) Sometimes I am convinced I do have God's spirit, and other times, not so much. This writing reflects my effort to comprehend (and convey) what it really means to be influenced by God's Spirit, and, of course, to know (or have faith) whether I even have it. It is deliberately divergent from any human "group" thinking. Having God's spirit seems closely aligned with having true faith... (Luke 17:5; Mark 9:24; Eph 2:8; Heb 12:2) Jesus said many times it would happen to us just as we have faith. (Mat 8:13) Being blessed according to your faith, as Jesus promised, would certainly require God's Spirit! So, faith in what is true seems important to have. You can find Spirit (and faith) in the words of Christ! (John 6:63; Read: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) Don't be disheartened or distracted by those people who arrogantly assert they "know" they have God's Spirit and we "need" to join them. (Heb 10:35-39) They proclaim that the fact I question if I do have God's Spirit means I don't. We'll see... While I sometimes question if I have true faith, I don't question where to find it: I say again, you find faith along with God's Spirit in the words of Jesus Christ. (John 6:63) Even the disciples were cautious about asserting they had God's Spirit. As Paul said in 1 Cor 4:4, GW: • "I have a clear conscience, but that doesn't mean I have God's approval (have God's Spirit). It is the Lord who cross-examines me." • And again at 1 Cor 7:39-40, GNB: • A married woman is not free as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, then she is free to be married to any man she wishes, but only if he is a Christian. (40) She will be happier, however, if she stays as she is. That is my opinion, and I think that I too have God's Spirit. • While the disciples were humble enough not to brag about having God's Spirit in "themselves," they did acknowledge it is present in Jesus's followers. (1 Thes 4:8; 1 John 3:24) Did you take note, 1 John 3:24 tells us the Spirit God gave us is the witness we are his servants. Having God's Spirit is very important, and from these scriptures, should be expected by all Christians. Still, it's hard for me to really understand the process...

This is my attempt, then, to gather and organize the scriptures I can find that explain the method of gaining and having God's Holy Spirit (and how it effects our lives during these last days), and accordingly, the proper things for us to be praying for that Spirit to accomplish for us. (Luke 17:5-6; Mat 24:3 & 11-14) This all presupposes I am right that Bible teachings and world events tell us we are living in the last days of the Tribulation. If so, that also means we can expect our relief any day now (as we are preserved alive by God's war of Armageddon). (Luke 21:25-28) If I am wrong, and there are many very religious people who say I am, then not to worry... Things will continue as they have. (2 Pet 3:1-10) But I don't think so... If you are one who is taking note things are getting worse, and so are truly distressed by what you see happening in this world, thus driving you to seek to be closer to the one true God, these scriptures are for you. (Eze 9:3-6) They are God's power in your behalf. (2 Chron 16:9) It's easy to verify what I say, just listen to the scriptures I present and then follow up by reading the words of Christ in any one of the short Gospels... (John 8:31-32; Pro 14:6; Matthew; Mark; Luke and John) If you follow God's only latter day command to listen to Christ, (Mark 9:7) no one can deceive you! (John 8:31-32) Many will try! (Mat 7:15) Being helped by others "to know Christ," however, is good. (Pro 27:17; Heb 10:24)

This is my heartfelt effort to lead you to consider a scriptural assumption understanding of mine; but, if you are going to be able to discuss or even comprehend the scriptural hope I am headed toward sharing, (Heb 5:11-14) you will first need some little knowledge about my faith: You need to know what I expect to have happen to me (and to happen in your life as well); what will happen to us, as the result of our having God's spirit, of course... If you are going to get the understanding of what I consider this "scriptural" teaching, you must not get distracted because you don't share faith in all the details of "my personal faith." Our faith will differ based on our own current knowledge, but for all Christians, the hope is those who express faith in Christ are moving toward unity in God. (1 Cor 1:10; John 17:21) For what I am about to say to make any sense, you need some idea of the scriptures that led me to believe in the future I do. Just try and have an open mind to consider the overview of these few scriptures. If you hear me out, and what I say is not supported by Christ, you can know simply by comparing what I say with his words. Then, just dismiss what Jesus's words don't support. As a brief overview of my faith, then, consider that what these following scriptures promise and tell me I can look forward to; that is precisely what I expect in my life:

Those scriptures, then, along with others I am familiar with, cause me to hope and have faith I am going to live forever. If a day comes when I realize I am dying, it will come as a complete shock... I believe I am going to live forever. More importantly than what I think, however, that's what the scriptures you just read say we can hope in; and also do. It seems we just need to have faith to have God's Spirit of life! (John 6:63)

If you are going to gain maturity as a person having faith in "solid spiritual food," (Heb 5:11-14) you will need to rise above the sectarian arguing and fault finding that divides all religious people of this world. As an example, after I shared the above scriptures with one woman, she attacked me because I quoted Job 33:19 from the Good News Bible translation, where it says "God corrects us by sending sickness and filling our bodies with pain." The Bible translation her sect believes they must follow reads a bit differently. (Her chosen Bible is the New World Translation, which her sect also conveniently wrote. They often refer to it as "their" Bible.) Her Bible translates that verse as: "And he is actually reproved with pain upon his bed, And the quarreling of his bones is continual." The only difference I can see is the Good News Bible is easier to understand. She was actually angry, I think, because her organizations New World Translation had failed to help her understand what God says in that verse, and she didn't like realizing that. She was led to believe the wording of the Good News Bible is a contradiction of James 1:13, where the Bible says God cannot be tried by evil nor does he try anyone. When punishes a person for sin, it is not the same as tempting them with evil. That's just an example of what religious teachings always do to people, religion gives people reasons to fight and fuss about doctrinal matters that usually have no impact on faith in Christ. (As another example: Some sects teach Jesus died on a cross and others on a single upright stake. Many are willing to judge others lost to God if they don't endorse their viewpoint. The Romans used both methods to execute criminals and I don't believe anyone is left alive today who knows which was used to kill Jesus. Isn't worrying about such a thing missing the point?) Abandoning religious doctrine in favor of just telling people what Jesus said doesn't usually upset them the way religious teachings do... My point is, rather than trying to hear and understand what I was saying, what I believe the Bible is saying, really; that woman took issue and offense with how the Bible verse I quoted was worded. She followed the directives of her religious sect and refused to listen to the scriptures I tried to share. She actually accused me of foolishly being misled to believe in a Bible translation that she (her sect) judges to be misleading. She seems incapable of realizing that is precisely what  might be  is happening to her under the influence of "her" chosen sect. She derailed her own thinking and never even reached the point of having any chance of understanding what I tried to share with her; which is what I am now trying to share with you: If, of course, you are still listening... If we are going to become mature Christians, (1 Cor 13:9-13; Heb 5:11-14) it means considering some of the large thoughts of Christ. Just remember: If a religious sect can get you to blindly believe in them (like that woman appears to do), they can keep you believing what ever lies they spin up. If you see the fault in her logic, be cautious you are not at the same time deceived by some other religious sect, having trapped yourself in trying to support "their" doctrine of faith. Jesus warned we are all in danger of that... (Mat 7:15-23) Also: We all have to face we can never help people who refuse to listen. You can't even help yourself, unless you open your mind while being cautious you are listening to Christ; (John 8:31-32) as you avoid listening to men who promote anything besides the teachings of Jesus. (Luke 13:26-27; Mat 15:8-9) Don't get trapped worrying about "baby Christian" teachings (or even foolish non-Bible teachings), such as which Bible translation you should use. (Heb 5:11-6:3) The same truth is available in every reputable translation of the Bible I have looked at. Even Jesus himself, however, can't help people if they don't first have the desire from God to be reasonable; thus transforming themselves so Christ can help them. (2 Cor 5:17) The Bible boils it down to this: If people are not first selected by God (2 Chron 16:9) to be called and drawn by him to Jesus, (John 6:44:; John 6:65) thus granting themselves to hear God's command to listen to Jesus, (Mark 9:7) they can't be helped by anyone. (John 17:9 of 6-9) As for you; do you realize and understand that simple truth? Try and help yourself by being cautiously reasonable and open minded. Be open minded to what I say; to what the scriptures I present say. But then, be cautious by comparing everything I say with the words of Jesus. (Mat 10:16) I do know some people will attack what I say as foolishness. My belief is, however, it is those same kind of people who felt that way about Jesus himself. (John 8:48; John 10:20; Mat 12:24; John 7:20; John 15:18) Just try to actually consider the scriptures being presented. If you prefer a different translation, read the scriptures from "your" Bible. Just please consider the theme of what is presented and/or supported by these Bible verses...

Back, then, to working toward what I want you to consider: I hope you can know from the scriptures presented above why I say my hope is to live forever. Without allowing yourself to be distracted by the details of my faith, or about how it's different from yours (and thus wrong in your mind), just apply what I am about to say to "what ever it is you do believe the Bible teaches is going to happen," to YOU. How do we get to (take advantage of, and/or receive) what we believe the Bible teaches? How do you accept and receive what ever it is you believe God has promised you? What relationship with God do we need to develop in order to accomplish what we hope for ourselves and how does it come about? That's the purpose of this webpage. (Because that is what I am trying to figure out about myself...) How do I get and keep God's spirit in my life so as to receive what the Bible has promised? (Gal 3:26-29)

Now I do know that will cause some people to say, "Oh, that means your faith is just self serving and selfish." They are certainly right that it is self serving, but I hope my faith is not "just" selfish. The Bible teaches us in Heb 11:6, all who come to God must believe he is, and that he becomes the rewarder of those who seek him out. We must believe God exists and that He is good. No one wants to serve a wicked God. We all want one who is good and kind. So, while I don't serve God "just" for the reward, there will be reward in service to him because He is good. Even Jesus looked forward to a reward. (Heb 12:2) So yes, I do expect a reward from my Father and that's why you are here... This webpage is about what that reward is: About what I can expect and how I can have God's Spirit and/or faith to accept or accomplish my promised reward. And, it's about how YOU can get your reward!

What do I do, then, about my sometimes lack of faith? I need to pray, of course, and I do! (Mark 9:23-24) Still, how do I proceed in my personal relationship with almighty God ? What can I scripturally ask for and expect? As the Bible verses quoted above highlight, I hope to live forever. But what does living forever look like, and how do I proceed to do it? People took action to approach Jesus in faith with specific requests and expectations. And, since Jesus many times said it will happen to us according to our faith, (Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34) what should I "have faith" will happen "to me"?

Since God has based our deliverance in our faith, (Heb 10:37-39) and since faith is defined by the Bible as the sure expectation of realities not yet beheld, (Heb 11:1) it would seem that as God begins to help his servants regain their promised youthful health and vigor, (Job 33:24-25) it will need to happen gradually. At 75 years of age, for example; if God turned me into a young man physically during the night, when we woke up tomorrow, wouldn't everyone try to flock to God "just" for the reward, without any regard for what is right or wrong? Where, then, would their faith or their righteousness be? (Php 3:9; Heb 10:38) When a thing is seen, faith is no longer required. Our Christian hope and righteous inclination is the result of our faith in what we do not see, but do believe... (Rom 8:24-25)

What, then, do I hope for in my thoughts with God (my prayers)? And, when does hope and faith become foolishness? That's what we are all deciding about and for ourselves. This is my attempt to share my effort to know God, without it getting derailed by our judging each others faith. (1 Cor 4:5 of 1-5) A man says he has "faith" in his lucky socks, and he "hopes" he will win the lottery because he was wearing them when he bought the ticket. What are the details of such faith? Does he need to keep wearing the socks for the 4 days until the drawing? Does he need to keep wearing them until he hears the results of the lottery? Some people really believe in lucky socks, and if so, those are questions they should ask about what they can look forward to and expect as a result of their faith. Anyone with faith in "anything," should ask those same questions... What do they need to do to show honor and respect for their faith; and, more importantly, for whoever or whatever is the one with power to make their hope a reality? As silly as most of us think faith in lucky socks is, what is it  we  you do have faith in? And, what steps do you need to take to receive the reward of your faith?

At 75, I have a host of health problems. One is just looking in the mirror. Believing (as explained above) my return to my youthful vigor (Job 33:24-25) will need to happen gradually, should I believe and have hope it is happening now? I do... Well, more accurately, I am writing this because I am trying to have that faith... When things happen that seem to indicate God is not helping me, should I abandon my hope about living forever and adjust my faith; or, should I stay the course? At what point does it become silly to continue in hope? So, what ever your personal faith, and however you believe God is helping you, these are the questions we are all answering about ourselves. In my own case, I have a tooth that has gotten loose. It is so bad it can become misaligned while chewing and cause a terrible jar and great pain when I close my mouth on it. I know I should have it pulled, but I just hate to. As I ponder my plight, another problem (that of being overweight) enters my thoughts. I do know the Bible condemns gluttony. (Pro 23:20-21) Doctors say chewing our food slowly can help us loose weight. While my tendency is to flash angry at God when I cause myself pain by that tooth, I rather try to rationalize and believe I can use the loose tooth as a tool to help me chew slowly; gaining health benefits by doing so. Don't get me wrong, I don't think God gave me a bad tooth to help me learn to chew slowly. All such bad things are the result of the sin and death Adam and Eve brought on our whole human family. (Rom 5:12) I just think if I am careful, the tooth might have time to reset and heal. If not, and I lose it, I still don't see it as a sign to abandon my faith. I know what the Bible has promised, and so, I believe I need to stay the course in hope of God's deliverance, according to his promises. (Gal 3:29; Gal 3:14) That's what Jesus told us to do. (Luke 21:28) I suspect (and I pray) I will persevere in my hope until I am delivered, or die... On a serious note rather than my tooth, I have heart problems and have outlived my parents age of death; both dying of heart trouble. With my heart and other health problems, I find myself wondering if I wouldn't be dead already if God hadn't been helping me... All those are some of the thoughts that are mixed up in (and form) my faith. What do we ask God to do for us as we pray? In my own case, it's to stay alive forever. I often pray: "May my heart grow strong in the land of the living ones." (Psa 27:13-14) So, I ask God for patience and wisdom to make choices that will help get me there. Is that your prayer as well... See you soon, then, in paradise. (Psa 37:10-11; Psa 37:29; Isa 11:1-12)

If you have patiently listened to all I have said, let me summarize my reason for writing. I didn't tell you all this personal stuff to get your sympathy for me. It is to help you understand: Everyone needs to realize the danger all the human family is in. At the southern U.S. border, we see just another one of the worlds humanly unsolvable problems. Foreigners are flocking into the U.S. by the thousands of thousands. If they aren't stopped, they will all come. Powerful interests against the U.S. are helping them to come. Ethically and morally, we can't turn them away to starve or freeze. Logistically, the U.S. (and other nations facing the same problem) can't take them in or the whole nation will starve or freeze. There is no human solution. In Ukraine, the whole nation is freezing and starving while being pounded daily by Russian bombs. That's another humanly unsolvable problem and it is far larger than Ukraine: Putin has used Ukraine to introduced the whole world to a new breed of terrorist; a nuclear terrorist. He continues his totally unprovoked attack on innocent children while he warns the world not to interfere or he will start a new world war, a never seen nuclear war. The world largely turns away and pretends it isn't happening. Other totalitarian nuclear nations are watching, however, to see what they will be able to get away with using Putin's brand new terroristic playbook on the misuse of nuclear power. Some of them are probably supporting Putin. Those are just two of the oh-so-many problems making up the tribulation of the these last days. There is the new combined virus health pandemic (triple-demic or multi-demic) that seems to be wreaking havoc in China. China seems to have been running about a year ahead of most of the rest of the world as to Covid infections. The whole world system is a house of cards falling in on itself. My personal problems I mentioned are largely related to old age, which just means I am nearing the end of a normal human lifespan ("normal" only in this old world system, of course). Please realize as my point: We now find the whole sinful human family is nearing the end of its life cycle, and everyone is in the same boat with us old people, so to speak. If the tribulation of our own making isn't soon stopped by God, our sin and disobedience to will annihilate the human family, completely. Thankfully, Jesus promised God is stopping has stopped it. (Luke 21:25-28) All our humanly unsolvable problems have been solved by the true God : For 6000 years since our first parents rebellion in Eden, has patiently waited (2 Pet 3:8-10) while we tried every form of human government imaginable. All have been miserable failures! Our disobedience has created the tribulation. That period of God's patience has also allowed 's righteous sons and daughters to be born and flourish; as their lives give witness to God's goodness and his right to rule. (Heb 12:1-3) And finally our salvation: Nearing the end of this test that rebellious humanity has forced on ourselves, God has told everyone to listen to and put faith in the words of his son. (Mark 9:7; John 6:28-29) Whether we choose to put faith in God's solution (in the words of Christ) is the basis of our judgment. (John 3:19) Those who fail to choose faith in Christ will continue on to die in their sins. (John 8:24) Those with faith are being protected to continue alive in the new paradise earth. (Heb 10:39; Mat 24:37 & 1 Pet 3:20) They are witness to the reestablishment of the Garden of Eden. (2 Pet 3:10-13) What God did there is very good! (Gen 1:31) The question is: "Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)

That's the thing I am writing to encourage you to consider, then: Don't you need to be thinking about your relationship with God, based on faith in your personal knowledge of the teachings of his son; and about what you "have faith" that relationship is bringing you... Believing in Christ is the work of God (John 6:28-29) and the basis of your judgment. (John 3:17-19) Not what God's spirit will bring off in some distant future, mind you, and/or after we have died. But what is God's spirit through faith in Christ granting you right now; at this conclusion of the old world system? (Mat 24:3-14; Mat 24:21-22) What will your faith do for YOU as we near the conclusion of the life cycle of the whole sinful human family... What scriptures are you personally talking with God about, as you expect help and protection from your knowledge of (and faith in) those promises (God has made to YOU)? Don't you see, that is and/or defines who you are. That's who God knows YOU to be! (2 Chron 16:9) And, that is the only thing that really matters... Please realize by the joy of God's spirit: (John 15:11, John 6:63) I don't share these scriptures to scare or upset you. I share them to bring you joy! That's what Jesus said it should bring. (Luke 21:28) I want you to join me in believing what Jesus said: Jesus said when we see the tribulation we should recognize it is the sign of his presence and that it means the end of this system of things. That it should make us happy and we should raise our heads high, because it means our deliverance is near. (Mat 24:3; Luke 21:28 of 25-28; Mat 24:37 & 1 Pet 3:20) Praise the God of life and his son. (Pro 30:4) Jesus sacrificed his life so we might regain life everlasting. (1 Tim 6:13-16) This letter represents the only Bible understanding I can conceive that is also supported by every single scripture I know. That defines it has to be truth. Else, the Bible would be one 6000 year long perfectly harmonious fraud by someone way wiser than humans... My faith is: The Bible is the Word of God and is truth; and, is good. (1 Thes 2:13)

Murray Cummings
      mail: support@justbibletruth.com

In the service of my God and his anointed King (Luke 4:18 of 16-21) of all Creation, (1 Cor 15:22-28) Jesus Christ.
      1 John 4:14-21 CEV •God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. We saw his Son and are now telling others about him. (John 17:8-9 & 20 of 1-26) (15) God stays one with everyone who openly says that Jesus is the Son of God. That's how we stay one with God (16) and are sure that God loves us. God is love. If we keep on loving others, we will stay one in our hearts with God, and he will stay one with us. (17) If we truly love others and live as Christ did in this world, we won't be worried about the day of judgment. (18) A real love for others will chase those worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows that we have not really learned to love. (19) We love because God loved us first. (20) But if we say we love God and don't love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don't love the people we can see? (21) The commandment that God has given us is: "Love God and love each other!"• [Pro 30:4]

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