--- If you want to live,
understand these few scriptures! ---

The Bible tells us at Gal 3:23-25, the God of the Hebrew scriptures inspired the Bible for the purpose of introducing his son as the light and hope of mankind. [John 3:16-21] Since Christ appeared, then, God has given only one command: [Heb 1:1-2] At Mat 17:5, our Creator said from the heavens: This is my dear and approved son, "listen to him."

God then inspired [2 Tim  3:16-17] four different men to record Christ's words in the Gospel Books by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In light of God's command to listen to his son, shouldn't you focus attention on what Jesus taught, so you will be able to ask God for what Christ promised? [John 5:35-44] What Christ said is preserved alive by God in those Gospels. [Heb 4:12]

Jesus went on to promise at John 6:63, we take in God's spirit by listening to the words Christ was sent to teach. [John 6:68; John 5:19-20; John 5:30] Now, considering that Jesus is still yet speaking out of the Gospels to provide spiritual food from God, [John 6:52-59] aren't you compelled to listen as he tells you how to pray and what to ask for? Are you listening as he warns you how to avoid being deceived by false religion; [1 Kings 18:25-40] including fake Christians? [Mat 7:15-20] Jesus's words bring those protections and blessings, grant you holy spirit and much more; if you just sit at Christ's feet by simply reading the Gospels. While many men and women do their best, and many proclaim they can, no one except Christ can teach you what God sent his son to teach. [John 8:26-28; John 5:36-38; John 18:37] Many of us very sincerely do our best to convey what Jesus said, but our own personal  beliefs  faith inadvertently gets mixed in to infect his message. [Luke 12:1; Mat 16:12; Mat 15:3] The best any person besides Christ can do is direct you to listen to God's son for yourself. Jesus sent his followers to prepare the people for his arrival. [Luke 10:1 - The importance of what Christ taught all those people in all those cities is now recorded for us in the 4 Gospels.] Being "directed" to Christ is the only "good fruitage" any of us can know to trust as being safe spiritual food from God! [Mat 7:20]

The Bible Books by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John literally contain the source of life! [John 5:39-40] Jesus promised at Luke 21:7-11 & 25-28 & 31, a great tribulation was coming. Any sensible person can see we are now living through that tribulation. You can choose to scoff, but you still require God's protection to survive! At Luke 17:26-30, Jesus likened our day to the days of ancient Noah and Lot: Each of those men had instructions from God to survive the destruction of wickedness that proved to be a salvation for them. Every self-proclaimed Christian group says some of the Bible truths you are now hearing. Most are not real Christians, however, as they have mixed in death dealing doctrine of their own. [Mat 15:9; Mat 7:15; Rev 22:18-19] Helping you realize your absolute need to protect yourself by being intimately familiar with what Jesus actually said, and to understand what Christ left you is God's simple specific instruction for your survival, is the purpose of this letter. [Mat 24:38; Mat 17:5; John 6:28-29]

Everything that follows is to reinforce your understanding that the Bible is not some good luck charm, but your life preserver. Please accept God's gift of life by reading the Gospel accounts of Christ's life. If you listen and I am wrong, you will know Christ better. If I am right, you will understand what is happening because Jesus promised the tribulation will continue to get worse, but also realize the spirit living in Christ's words can protect you alive - forever. [Psa 91:7-8; Job 33:16-30] Don't view Jesus's words about the tribulation as a warning, but a promise of deliverance. [Luke 21:28] All the wealth and prominence and power, and even the false worship the people of this world are seeking, will soon become abhorrent to them. [Eze 7:19] Please understand your knowledge of the words of Christ to be your protection against well-intentioned but ignorant, as well as wicked, religious leaders. [Mat 7:15; Acts 20:29-30; Mat 7:21-23] God's spirit cries out (is shining forth) from the body (of Christ's words). [Luke 17:37; Mark 1:7-8; John 6:63] Christ's words are spiritual food preserved safely by God in the Gospels. [1 Thes 5:1-5] Familiarity with the proverbs spoken by Christ will correct [Prov 1:1-4] any misapplication of scripture you have been taught by religious people. [Acts 20:29-30]

Restating your great danger: You can not mix religion with Christianity. [Mat 24:11; Mat 15:8-9] You must choose! [1 Kings 18:21; Rev 3:14-18] You need to help awaken this world by publicly avoiding religious or political or racial entanglements. They all want to encourage you to join them in continuing life as it has been. If you are spiritually awake, (JustBibleTruth.com/URAwake.pdf) you may be able to help some of the people who have faith that is sincere, but built on error. [Mat 15:8-9; Acts 17:23] You can only help, however, by making clear and recommending your choice to obey God's command to listen to his Christ rather than to men. [Mark 9:7; Deu 18:19] That means openly refusing to join any of the imagined "just causes" among men. [Luke 9:59-60] This world will want to force their purpose on you as they try to draw you into joining their unenlightened "good works." The opinionization of humankind may pose our greatest danger. (See note!) Political, ethnic and religious leaders will continue to offer empty platitudes like "continue to pray." - (See note!) Don't be fooled! Tell them your faith in Christ prohibits any sectarian involvement with them. [Mat 23:8-15] That will likely not make you popular but God will protect you! This latter day awakening of Bible understanding [Pro 4:18-19; Acts 13:47; Acts 26:22-23] may be akin to fire from heaven in that it is no longer a warning effort to change the wicked or willfully misguided; but specific directions for survival to the few who are sincerely listening to God (as He tells you to listen to Christ). [Gen 19:1-14] Jesus warned arrogant religious persons will continue on to die in their sins. [John 8:24] There is no favoritism, however, and we are all in the exact same   boat    ark   situation. We must each one abandon religion by choosing to pick up a Bible [Mark 7:7-8] so as to join ourselves to those who sat around Jesus some 2000 years ago. You can join the true followers of Christ only by reading the Gospels. [Mark 3:31-35 plus] Please reason on and understand this: Feeding on God's spirit contained in the words of Christ is your Ark of salvation. [John 6:52-54a; John 5:25; John 6:28-29; John 20:30-31] No matter how much you want or try to believe otherwise, and no matter how many well meaning people approve any false worship or bad practices [1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:28-32] you might have become involved in, you can't know Christ if you aren't spending time with him personally. [Mat 24:11 (3-14); 1 John 4:1; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John] Working to be approved [Mark 15:11] by self-righteous religious terrorists is one activity that will bring you death! [John 12:42-43; John 5:44] All religionists make themselves spiritual terrorists by judging everyone who refuses to seek their approval to be an enemy of God. [John 16:1-4; 1 Cor 4:5] How could they show love for someone they can judge and convince themselves is an enemy of God. [John 13:35; Mat 5:43-45]

This letter is kept succinct in an attempt to arrest the attention of lots of people. Everyone alive  should  must hear these few words... [Philippians 2:10; Mat 24:11-14; Eze 7:3-9] These words by Christ herald destruction for the masses who refuse to listen, [Mat 7:21-23] while they announce the gift of life for every single righteous person. Christ's words provide  deliverance  righteousness [John 17:19; 1 Cor 6:11; Eph 1:7] to each person making the choice to listen to (and who is warning others [Mat 12:36-37] to accept spiritual food from) God's son alone. [John 3:16-19; John 12:46-50] Living in the tribulation of terrorists who proudly burn down or blow up our society, along with the oh-so-many other proliferating problems and pandemics, [Luke 21:7~28] only the words of Christ bring peace and hope. (Most terrorists do start with valid concerns about injustice. When they choose to do harm to get their way, they become just as worthless or more so than their oppressors. [2 Sam 23:5-7] That is always the problem with the well intentioned "causes" of men: Their lies and/or ignorance "cause" people with good intentions to kill or harm other righteously inclined individuals. [John 12:42; John 16:2; 1 Cor 15:33-34] (A black girl trying to leave the violence of a black lives matter rally was shot in the head and killed.) Demonstrations always provide camouflage for the wicked, allowing them to harm who they want. In those nations where terrorists have acted against God's will [Rom 13:1] to subvert law and tear down their own government, they did not like what took control. No government is perfect but most do keep anarchy at bay. [Rom 13:1-2] Some protestors may intend good but they are all failing to listen to Christ. [Mat 7:21-23] What about you; and me of course? Simple... If our heart strings are being drawn [Hosea 11:4] by politics or race or religion, to judge other people as bad or less in any way, we are not listening to Christ. [John 13:34-35; Mark 9:38-40] As the wars between nations [Mat 24:7] are  replaced  compounded by racial wars within those nations, [Mat 24:12-13] it leaves no hope for the meek (except Christ). [Ecc 9:17] Do not fret or fear, nor ever be  enticed  deceived or coerced to take part in their activities. Those individuals who choose to reject Christ, by directing or even by joining such well intentioned efforts of men, are actually revealing what they are at heart. Rejecting Christ is their demonstrated judgment of themselves. [John 12:47-48; Luke 11:23] This earth wide judgment is happening so the wicked may all be annihilated at once by God. [Psalm 92:7; Psa 37:10-11; 2 Chron 20:17a]) Please don't think I write this in judgment of you. I struggle to remain neutral to what is happening in our world because I understand everyone  believes  imagines they are righteous from their own perspective. [Pro 21:2 ] I also realize I myself am the only person I have the right to judge, and that I am rendering that judgment [Mat 12:36-37] by whether I remain neutral or join in this worlds activities (all of them bringing harm and death). [Luke 9:59-60] Just like you, I must wait with faith in the established kingdom of Christ. [1 Cor 15:1-34] Waiting in faith that I will be preserved alive, [Heb 10:39] while avoiding religious and other secular entanglements, is what demonstrates if I actually do have faith. [2 Chron 20:17a] While much of the world believes my simple hope is foolishness, [2 Pet 3:3-4 & 7] you are rendering the same judgment of yourself: Your hope is in Christ, or it isn't! [Luke 11:23] (I do pray to God you will not join to protest my isolated rural home because I have linked protestors to terrorists. There are enough bad things happening to be of concern to me without the added burden of having to worry whether terrorists are hiding in your midst; as you see in the news is often the case... [Mat 2:1-15] God is watching...) It is clear even Christ Jesus himself didn't judge. [John 3:17-18] Jesus simply told people the truth and they are still yet, down to this day, judging themselves by their response to his words. What ever you are choosing to do with your life, if you can justify yourself in the light of Jesus's words, it's certainly fine with me. Please realize however: Judging yourself is precisely what you are doing! Your response to what Jesus said is your judgment of your-own-self and you alone are responsible... [John 12:47-48; John 15:22] If you are one of the remaining meek individuals in this world, this letter is for you: If you are seeking God through Christ by keeping free of the worlds death bringing activities, [Mat 8:22] you should know God is searching for you. [2 Chron 16:9a] And, He has told you to listen to his son. [Mat 17:5; Acts 3:23]

If you are righteous, you must be shocked [Ecc 7:7] by how suddenly and completely the world has abandoned integrity and love and even fellow feeling. The wicked breed contempt for righteousness as they speak of defying God by  de-funding mostly kind hearted policemen  undermining law and order. [Rom 13:1-2] Racists, whether black or white, only foment war as they polarize existing division by an unrelenting selfishness manifest in their demands for ever more and more. Something spiritual or moral may be broken beyond being healed in such people. [2 Chron 36:15-16] Even as the wicked defy God and man's law to run wild, however, take heart! They only speed God to act [Hab 1:4-Plus] to protect the meek; by destroying them all... [Psalm 37:10-11 - Plus; Psalm 33:18-19] There is a longer version of this letter with additional supporting scriptures at: JustBibleTruth.com/Observations/WhyReadTheWordsOfChrist.html.
• Go to JustBibleTruth.com and select Videos and select Why read the words of Christ. • Print or copy this and send it to everyone you know; even if only as a curiosity because you know an old man, or know of one, who is ranting and raving about the judgment destroying this old world [2 Pet 3:5-7] so as to usher in paradise. [Isa 11:1-12; 1 Cor 15:1-34; Dan 2:44] Tell them I am actually comparing myself to Noah and Lot. [Luke 17:20-30] Better, email them a link to this webpage. What I assert is easily verified using linked scriptures. Finally, as I freely acknowledge (I am not Noah and) my personal opinions mean nothing, join me in reading the Gospels to feed continually on the spirit of life from God. [John 6:52-59] Joining Christ is the only real and true "movement" for change! [Mat 24:38] Even if you wish you could hide from knowing this truth, we all remain very personally involved and each one must hear. [Rom 14:11] More importantly, this is the word and work of God! [1 John 3:21-23; Acts 16:30-31; John 6:28-29] It is bringing peace and happiness to all the world. [Isa 11:1-12; Dan 2:44] Make no mistake, you are caught in the middle: [Ecc 8:8] You are supporting Christ, or, you are defying him... [Luke 11:23] (Rejecting Jesus means you will continue to die in your sins!) [John 8:24] Your ignorance is swallowed up by knowledge of these scriptures. [John 15:22] The veil is lifted [2 Cor 3:12-4:6] and Christ is revealed. His true followers are too! [Col 3:4] Abandon religion by seeking true peace in Christ; which can heal and make you whole. [Job 33:24-25; Prov 4:22]

Now I well know your believing in my encouragement to take in the spirit of   יהוה   by simply reading the words of his son, from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, well, it just seems too simplistic to be your deliverance. [2 Kings 5:2-14] I am the one saying it and it is hard for me to truly believe. Still... I spent this morning reading the words of Christ aloud to myself from the Book of Luke and I believe... [Mat 9:29; Mark 11:24] My making you aware of this, or your knowing about it, didn't cause it. It is happening and you need to be aware so you can express faith for life. I believe Jesus taught us that is the method of surviving the tribulation we are living through. [John 6:63] We will see. We will all see! [Rom 14:10-12] You must judge for yourself. [Deu 30:15-20; John 3:19] Amen, come quickly Lord Jesus. [Rev 22:6-21]

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